Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Moment of Awareness is a Moment of Grace

My inside, listen to me, the greatest spirit,
The Teacher, is near,
wake up, wake up!
Oh, friend, I love you, think this over
Carefully! If you are in love,
then why are you asleep?
-- Anonymous

I often know that I have met a challenge in my life when I become suddenly aware of new knowledge. It’s as if a light goes on, and things suddenly make sense. One friend of mine refers to this as “a blinding flash of the obvious.” It’s important to take such a moment of awareness seriously; it is a cue that a lesson has been learned and that it’s time to move on.

In the past, not trusting myself and not in touch with my connectedness to the Universe, I relied on unhealthy ways to make sense of my life. The more I used intellect and will to manage and run my life, the less I accomplished.

A moment of awareness is a moment of grace. It’s as if the Universe gives us a wonderful gift, and we can turn right around and say, “So that’s what this is all about!” One’s receptiveness to such a moment gives us the willingness to trust where we have been and the strength to go where our life calls us next. I will always cherish the awareness in my life.

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