Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Feel Your Gratitude and Joy

Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free. Tis a gift to come round to where we ought to be.

And when we find a place that feels just right,
We will be in the valley of Love and Delight.

-- Appalachian folk song

Take time today to feel your gratitude and joy. Our true Self is emerging and becoming more present every day. For this we may all be grateful. We are taking those all important baby steps to rebuild our self-esteem. We are worthwhile and loveable, and for all this we can be grateful.

Just as we know joy, we have known sorrow and we will know both again because that is the nature of life. If we trust that the Universe is turning everything that happens to our good, we can truly say, “Thy will, not mine, be done.” Is it asking too much to be grateful for everything that happens to us? I must admit that on some days, it certainly seems so. But I have found that those days pass, and after they do, I once again begin to see my purpose in life. It is then that I feel content, knowing that I possess the promise as well as the reality of this new life I have chosen.

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